Friday, July 2, 2010

Sense from Chaos

"At this level, you don't have time to think, only react. If you think, you've missed it." -JB, after I completely missed the sprint in my first 1/2 race.

I’ve come to realize that there is always something to learn on the bike. In races, there is often so much going on, that the only way to figure out what just happened is to look back and reflect on how the story unfolded. It is very easy to postulate and wax poetic about something before it happens. You can analyze and prod, look at all the angles, predict the most sensible outcomes. Even so, things never turn out the way even the most prophetic would expect.

As I learned in physics, formula and equations only work in a vacuum. Reality is far too complex to enumerate so simply.

And so we race. And after, we try to make sense of the chaos.

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